These 7-days of adventure expedition safari through Uganda’s Queen Elizabeth National Park, Murchison Falls National Park, and Kibale Forest National Park promises a diverse and exciting journey through some of the country’s most remarkable natural landscapes. These 7-day expedition safari offers a mix of wildlife encounters, boat safaris, and primate trekking in some of Uganda’s most iconic national parks, follow responsible tourism practices to ensure a safe, ethical, and memorable adventure. Uganda’s rich biodiversity and stunning landscapes make it an exceptional destination for a safari expedition.

Please note that this is a general itinerary, and the actual duration, activities, and accommodations may vary depending on your preferences, available time, and the specific arrangements made with you. It is advisable to consult with us to customise your itinerary and make any necessary adjustments.


A 4-days safari experience in Nyungwe National Park, located in Rwanda, offers the opportunity to explore one of the most biodiverse and beautiful rainforests in East Africa. Nyungwe National Park is renowned for its lush vegetation, diverse wildlife, and exceptional primate tracking experiences. Nyungwe National Park is one of the oldest rainforests in Africa, is rich in biodiversity, and spectacularly beautiful mountainous region teaming with wildlife, including a small population of chimpanzees as well as 12 other species of primate, including the L’Hoest’s monkey endemic to the Albertine Rift, with 15 trails, some of which are detailed along with various activities visitors can choose to sample the delights of the forest or indulge yourself in one of Africa’s most stunning forests.

Nyungwe National Pack lies in southwest Rwanda, partly abutting the Burundi border. It’s a vast area of mountain rainforest, home to many species of chimpanzees, plus owl-faced and colobus monkeys. The Canopy Walkway, part of the Igishigishigi Trail, is a high-suspension bridge with views over the valley and surrounding forests. A trail runs to the Kamiranzovu Marsh, with its birdlife, orchids, and waterfall. The pack is dominated by a series of mountains, originating in northern Uganda and Congo, running south through the Rwenzori mountains, western Rwanda, and Burundi, to the shores of Lake Tanganyika. Nyungwe forest national park offers scenic views over Lake Kivu and sometimes the Virunga ranges on a clear day. The forest has an extensive network of well-maintained walking and hiking trails to various waterfalls and viewing points. The prime activities in Nyungwe forest are chimp trekking, bird watching, colobus monkey trekking, and the canopy walk.

Nyungwe Forest National Park is home to over 75 different species of mammals with most of these being small and or nocturnal making them difficult for sighting. Chimpanzees are the main attraction in Nyungwe forest with chimp trekking happening daily early morning. The forest is home to troops of 300 colobus monkeys or more roaming in the trees, Chimpanzees, Silver monkeys, Golden monkeys, Owl-faced monkeys/ Hamlyn’s monkeys, Grey-cheeked mangabey, Red-tailed monkeys, Vervet monkeys, Olive baboons, Dent’s Mona Monkey, Blue Monkey, and Angolan Colobus Monkeys.

Activities In Nyungwe Forest National Park

Bird Watching

Nyungwe forest is also home to about 300 species of birds with 16 endemics, 27 Albertine rift endemics, and 121 forest species. The birds in the Nyungwe forest are mostly found in the trees, shrubs, or the ground at the edges of the forest next to the tea plantations. Some birds are shy and therefore more easily heard than seen like many forest birds. Among the frequently sighted species are the; Chestnut Owlet, Olive and Elliot’s Woodpeckers, Great Blue and Ruwenzori Turacos, White-headed Wood-hoopoe, Barred Long-tailed Cuckoo, Stripe-breasted Tit, the remarkable Red-collared Babbler, Archer’s Robin-Chat, White-bellied Robin-Chat, Doherty’s Bush-Shrike, Handsome Francolin Mountain Masked, Black-faced, Chapin’s Flycatcher, Purple-breasted and Regal Sun-birds, Chestnut-throated, Collared Apalis, Rwenzori Batis, Neumann’s Short-tailed Warbler, White-tailed Blue-flycatcher and more.

Chimpanzee Trekking

There are two wild chimp communities that are habituated for chimpanzee tourism. One of the groups is in the Cyamudongo section of the Nyungwe forest and the other is around the Uwinka area of the forest. The forest is home to about 400 chimpanzees. While viewing chimpanzees is not guaranteed, you will enjoy learning about these creatures and their natural habitats from your guides. You are expected to be at the briefing area as early as 5.00 am in the morning. This is because chimps are mostly likely to be seen early in the morning and they tend to move about which requires one to be active as you follow after them. However, whether you view the chimps or not, the experience in the forest is rich as you watch other primates, butterflies, several trees, and above all the freshness of the air.

Guided Nature walks and Hiking

Nyungwe forest has a steep landscape and an extensive network of hiking trails making it a perfect destination for hikers. The trails are different in length, ease of hiking, and features; you are therefore advised to ask the ranger guides for advice on which trail to take according to the attractions you are seeking. The trails are through a diverse landscape and represent the most scenic way of exploring the forest. And the forest trails are Congo – the Nile divides Trail, Igishigishigi Trail, Karamba Trail, the Umugote Trail, Umoyove Trail, Uwinka Trail, Irebero Trail, Imbaraga Trail, Bigugu Trail, Isumo Trail, Kamiranzovu Trail, Muzimu Trail, Ngabwe Trail, Ngabwe Trail.

Canopy Walk

This Is along the Igishigishigi trail. The walkway is accessible as part of a specialized guided tour along the trail. The canopy walk hangs 60 meters above the forest floor between giant trees and towers, which provides a stunning view of the park.

Colobus Monkey Trekking

Nyungwe is home to a large population of colobus monkeys, including the Angolan colobus and the black-and-white colobus. Guided treks are available to observe these fascinating creatures.

Waterfall Trails

Several trails lead to beautiful waterfalls within the park, such as the Kamiranzovu Waterfall Trail. These hikes offer the chance to cool off in pristine natural pools and enjoy the scenery.

Primate Tracking and Night Walk 

In addition to chimpanzees and colobus monkeys, Nyungwe is home to other primates like the L’Hoest’s monkey and owl-faced monkey. Tracking these primates is an exciting activity for wildlife enthusiasts. Nyungwe offers night walks for a chance to observe nocturnal creatures such as hushbabies, chameleons, and tree frogs. Night walks provide a different perspective of the forest’s ecosystem.

Cultural Tour

Complete your experience with the community to engage in the rich Rwandan culture. The communities along the boundaries of this forest have co-existed with it and helped to some extent in its preservation after understanding its importance to Rwanda’s ecosystem. There have been efforts to launch community-based experiences to preserve the culture of Rwanda and offer visitors a rich experience. Once at the village, you can be part of activities such as a dance ceremony, banana beer production, bow-and-target shooting, traditional medicine making, and maize-grinding.

Please Note that this itinerary can be customised, and the actual safari experiences may vary based on your interests and the availability. Nyungwe National Park offers a wide range of activities, including hiking, nature walks, and additional primate tracking experiences.


These 3-days 2 nights of Uganda gorilla trekking offers a condensed but thrilling experience of encountering endangered mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. these 3 days will reward you with a one in life time experience whether its you first time meeting and getting close and personal to a mountain gorilla.

Please note that this is a general itinerary, and the actual duration, activities, and accommodations may vary depending on your preferences, available time, and the specific arrangements made with you. It is advisable to consult with us to customise your itinerary and make any necessary adjustments.